Tuesday, August 4, 2015

What's For Dinner?

A common question in every home - what's for dinner? Without planning ahead, dinner often means takeout, fast food, or a bowl of cold cereal.  

Here are some quick tips for planning what's for dinner for the entire week: 

1. Take Inventory. What do you already have in your pantry and fridge? What can you make from the things you already have? 

2. Make a Menu. Think about your week ahead, what activities does your family have going on? Do you need quick meals that can be eaten on the go? Will everyone be home for dinner all week? Think about recipes that are easy to prepare ahead of time or that you can put in the crockpot in the morning before work. Be creative and willing to try new recipes. Pinterest is full of yummy recipes to try. 

3. Make a Grocery List & Stick to It. It is easy to get to the store and come home with a bunch of stuff you didn't need or a bunch of stuff that doesn't really go together.  Look at your inventory and menu and make your list from there.  One easy way to make sure you don't forget your list is to type the list into your phone or put your written list in your wallet/purse. Click here for a printable grocery list. 

4. Part of Your Family's Routine. Get the family involved! Do the older kids get home before you are off of work? Have them start prepping part of the meal and you can finish getting dinner ready together.  

So the next time you are asked, "What's for Dinner?" You will know! 

Clipart: http://tinyurl.com/dinnerclipart