Monday, August 10, 2015

Time for a ReArrange

When is the last time you re-arranged your furniture? Maybe your furniture has been in the same place since you moved in? Well, it's time to switch it up! Here are a few reasons why you should re-arrange:

1. Quick and easy way to give your room a new feeling and new energy without any additional cost. 
2. Take advantage of outdoor light and move your furniture around to better maximize the sunshine exposure without damaging your furniture. 
3. Keep your carpets from having the permanent furniture "dent" and help it to wear more evenly. 
4. Great way to clean the entire room. Before moving the furniture to a new spot, take the opportunity to dust, vacuum, wipe down, etc.  

Check out our Facebook page this week for additional tips on re-arranging your room & moving furniture.

Photo Found on Pinterest Found via